For this event, please reserve a free ticket on Eventbrite: Local History Game Jam tickets
The latest event in our #include series is the Local History Game Jam, a weekend “hackathon” dedicated to creating games and interactive prototypes inspired by the history of Rensselaer County. Historical themes and settings have been incorporated into many popular games, ranging from commercial titles such as Civilization and Assassin’s Creed to educational classics like The Oregon Trail. Whenever historians and game developers get together, we always end up making history!
Jammers are invited to gather at The Arts Center (located at 265 River Street in Troy) over the weekend in order to participate. The jam will begin at 12pm on Saturday, September 19th with a kickoff event featuring members of the Rensselaer County Historical Society, who will be joining us to share some interesting local lore and provide an overview of the incidents, people and overall trends that have played an integral role in shaping the development of the Capital Region. From there, jammers will have the opportunity to work alone or in teams in order to create projects inspired by local history over the rest of the weekend.
Even after the weekend is over, the jam won’t be relegated to the history books just yet! Jammers will have multiple opportunities to share their creations over the following week, including a post-jam reception at the Tech Valley Center of Gravity featuring a group of international game design students and faculty, and a prominent showcase as part of the Hyperplace Troy festival, during which the games created by jam participants will be projected onto the outside of The Arts Center building.
The event is open to all game developers, students, graduates, industry developers and even those with no experience of game development. Tickets are free, but spaces are limited, so please book your ticket early to avoid missing out on your chance to participate in the game jam. Please read all of the event info below before booking your place in the jam.
Dates and times:
- Saturday, September 19th @ 12pm – The Arts Center (265 River Street, Troy)
Jam Hours
- Saturday, September 19th 12pm-9pm
- Sunday, September 20th 9am-4pm
Post-Jam Reception
- Monday, September 21st 7pm-9pm – Tech Valley Center of Gravity (30 3rd Street, Troy)
- Friday, September 25th 5pm-9pm – The Arts Center (265 River Street, Troy)
About the Jam:
The game jam will take place at The Arts Center of The Capital Region, located at 265 River Street in Troy. The kickoff event will take place at 12pm on Saturday, September 19th and the jam will run for the rest of the weekend. The jam will be centered around the theme of local history, with relevant information provided during the kickoff by members of the Rensselaer County Historical Society. However, participants are free to interpret the theme as they see fit and explore any ideas they wish over the course of the jam.
The jam will embrace healthy working practices, and therefore the venue will be closing during the evening to encourage participants to get some rest. The jam times are 12pm-9pm on Saturday, September 19th and 9am-4pm on Sunday, September 20th.
The Arts Center is located in close proximity to a variety of dining options, but there is no eating or drinking allowed inside the jam venue itself, so please take this into consideration when planning for meals and snack breaks. Also, if you are able to bring your own laptop, please do so! We have a finite supply of desktops available for the event, and once these are claimed we will only be able to accommodate more participants if they are able to supply their own machines. Wi-fi passwords will be provided, and desktop access will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis.
During the week following the jam, there are two separate events that jammers are invited to attend for the purpose of showing off their creations. The first will be a post-jam reception held at the Tech Valley Center of Gravity, located at 30 3rd Street in Troy. The reception will take place from 7pm-9pm on Monday, September 21st and will offer an opportunity to showcase our local history games to an audience of international game developers, including RIT faculty and a group of visiting game design students from Germany.
The final, culminating showcase event will take place at The Arts Center from 5pm-9pm on Friday, September 25th during the Hyperplace Troy festival. As part of the festival, the games we have created during the jam will be featured in playable form, and will be projected in large scale on the side of The Arts Center building.

About #include:
#include is a series of diversity-focused, creative events hosted by Tech Valley Game Space that are intended to support aspiring game makers in the Capital Region. The goal of the #include initiative is to provide recurring, local classes and game jams targeted toward groups that continue to be underrepresented within the game development community, in order to demystify the process of digital game creation and make it more accessible and welcoming for everyone.
At TVGS, we believe that a more diverse and nurturing game development community is also a more sustainable one. There is a vital need for new voices within the game development space, and our mission is to help address that need by providing support and mentorship for creative people that are interested in developing new artistic and technical skills that they can then reinvest back into the local community.