Tech Valley Game Space hosts a wide variety of online events and classes via our Discord server. Discord is a 100% free-to-use online chat and video conferencing tool, similar to Skype or Zoom (only better).
If you’d like to participate in our inclusive community of game makers and interactive artists, joining the TVGS Discord is a great place to start. Joining is easy – just follow the steps below!
How to Join the TVGS Discord
Step 1: Click the Invitation Link
Click this invitation link to join the TVGS Discord server: If you do not already have a free Discord account, you will be prompted to create one. If already have a Discord account, you can skip directly to Step 3.
Step 2: Create a Free Discord Account
Creating a Discord account is fast, easy, and 100% free. This is a required step to join the TVGS Discord server, and it will also give you the ability to access tons of other great online communities as well!
To create your free account, you will first need to enter a username.

You can always update your displayed nickname later. For the TVGS server, we encourage you to use your actual first name if you feel comfortable doing so. This makes group discussions a bit easier for everyone, but it is not a requirement.
Next, you will need to enter your date of birth.

Discord’s Terms of Service requires people to be over a minimum age to access their app or website. The date of birth info is simply used to verify that users satisfy the minimum age requirement, and to ensure they don’t encounter material that’s not appropriate for them.
Finally, you will need to enter an email and create your Discord password.

After completing this final step, check your inbox for a verification email from Discord. You will need to verify your account before you can interact on the TVGS Discord server. This helps us ensure that the TVGS Discord remains a safe and welcoming online space for all of our community members.
Congratulations! Your Discord account is all set up.
Step 3: Review the Server Rules and TVGS Code of Conduct
Before interacting in the TVGS Discord server, you will need to review and accept our server rules and the TVGS Code of Conduct.

Clicking the top option on the welcome screen will bring you directly to the TVGS Server Rules channel.
After joining the server, you will be prompted to complete the rule review and acceptance step. You can do this by clicking on the ‘Complete’ button near the bottom of the screen.

Scroll down to review the full list of server rules, and be sure to click the link to view the TVGS Code of Conduct page on our website.

When you’re done reviewing the server rules and TVGS Code of Conduct, check the agreement box and click ‘Submit’.

Welcome aboard! You are now free to explore our discussion channels and interact with other community members.
Step 4: Join the Discussion
Once you have completed Step 3, you should be able to utilize all of the TVGS community discussion channels. Feel free to browse around! We suggest posting an intro in the #introductions channel, and checking out the #general chat channel as a starting point.
If you’re looking for a specific event or class, it will most likely be happening in the #general-voice channel (unless the event description said otherwise). You can find this channel in the sidebar on the left. Click on the channel name to join the voice and video chat.