The first meeting of TVGS was ten years ago today. Our community began as a meetup to help indie game devs in the Capital Region (myself included) connect, support each other, and hopefully feel a bit less isolated.

Within a few short months, the enthusiastic response from local creators had already enabled us to host our first communal project showcase, start teaching free game making lessons, open a game dev coworking office, host our first game jam, and collaborate on various creative projects – including a game that warned players about the perils of doing too much laundry.

I genuinely could not have imagined all of the wonderful things that have happened since that first gathering. I’m so grateful to have been able to work with all of you to build this community together, one day at a time. Organizing a group like TVGS comes with a lot of emotional highs and lows – but looking back over the past ten years, I find myself filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude for everyone who has contributed to making our community thrive. ❤️

Keep watching this space and the TVGS Discord in the coming weeks as we celebrate our ten-year milestone together, give thanks to our community members, discuss some upcoming plans for future in-person meetups, and more. Here’s to another ten years together, Space Cadets!

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